DIY Homesteading 101

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Are you ready to escape the hustle and bustle of city life? Are you craving a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle? Look no further than DIY Homesteading 101, your ultimate guide to everything from solar power to gardening to crafts. Whether you’re a seasoned homesteader or just starting out we have the resources and inspiration you need to create your own self-sufficient paradise. And if homesteading isn’t for you, no worries. We have fun, creative and useful crafts and DIYs for all ages.

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6 July 2024Building a DIY solar panel system can get you off the grid while you harness the power of the sun.Photo by Elle HughesAs renewable energy gains popularity, many homeowners are considering installing solar panels to power their homesteads. Solar is a great way to take control of how you get power for your property, and it doesn’t take a lot of technical know-how. We’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of how to setup your own solar panel system. Let’s get started!Jump to the Info You Need:Step 1: Assess your energy needs for your solar panel systemFigure out your energy needsDetermine your peak sunlight hoursHow many solar panels do you need?Step 3: Choose the right solar panels and componentsStep 4: Finalize inspections and interconnectionStep 5: Set up net meteringStep 6: Maintain and monitor your solar systemFAQCan a home run solely on solar power?Can you put solar panels in your backyard?Can you live off-grid with just solar panels?How many solar panels do I need for a 2000-square-foot house?Will the government pay you to get solar?Step 1: Assess your energy needs for your solar panel systemBefore diving into your DIY solar project, you need to determine your energy requirements and how many solar panels you need. There’s no hurry if you’re already on the grid. You can build slowly and supplement your current power with solar until you reach 100% solar.Figure out your energy needsTo find out how many solar panels you need, first you need to figure out how much power you home uses. You can do this by calculating your average energy consumption:Take a look at your last 12 bills from the electric company. Add the total kilowatt-hours (kWh) used from each month together. That’s how much energy you use in a year. Divide by 12. This will give you the average kilowatt-hours your home uses in a month.To give you a rough idea, the average homeowner uses 10,632 kWh per year, 886 kWh per month or around 30 kWh per day, according to the Energy Information Administration. Repeat this same process to find out how many kilowatts you use per month.Photo by DIY Homesteading 101Determine your peak sunlight hoursNext, you need to figure out how many peak sunlight hours your home gets each day. You can get this information by using the free solar resource data tools provided by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.How many solar panels do you need?Now that you know those numbers, you can figure out how many panels you need. Solar panels usually produce 150 to 400 watts with a typical production ratio of 1.3 or 1.6. To find out how many panels you need use this formula: Number of panels = how much power you need per year / production ratio / panel wattage.Get the number for how many kWh per year you need.Divide that number by the production ratio, so by 1.3 or 1.6.Divide that number by the wattage of one solar panel. The answer is the minimum number of solar panels you need.For example: My home uses an average of 14,000 kWh per year and I picked out a 400-watt panel. So using the equation, 14,000 is divided by 1.3 to get 10,769. Then, 10,769 is divided by 400 watts, which equals around 27 panels.Now remember the peak solar hours? Yeah, if you have fewer peak solar hours, you’re going to need more panels to make up for the lack of sun during the day. To maximize how much sun your panels get, consider factors such as location and shade from trees.Pro tip:Not mounting your panels to your roof? You can get solar tracking mounts that automatically move your panels to follow the sun’s path throughout the day to maximize how much sun each panel gets. These can be expensive, though, so manual tracking mounts that you have to go out and adjust may be a more budget-friendly option.Step 2: Obtain solar permits and permissionsPhoto by Los Muertos CrewIf you’re not out in the country and want solar for your urban homestead, you’ll need permits and permissions from your town or city. Some areas have specific guidelines and restrictions, so if you don’t want a hefty fine, make sure to adhere to local laws and obtain the necessary permissions before getting into your solar adventure. Contact your local building department to find out the regulations and permits required for installing a solar system.Step 3: Choose the right solar panels and componentsNow that you know how many panels you need and have your permits sorted out, you can start shopping for solar for your homestead. There are several places you can get solar panels for a DIY solar system. Big box and warehouse stores like Costco and Home Depot sell solar kits; sometimes you can get them at big discounts. Amazon also carries a selection of DIY solar kits. Here are some things to keep in mind while you’re shopping for your DIY solar panel installation:Renogy 400 Watt 12 Volt Monocrystalline Solar Panel Bundle KitSee on AmazonMonocrystalline solar panels are more efficient (produce more power) and last longer. They cost a little more, but the trade-off is worth it. Most panels you come across will be monocrystalline.Polycrystalline is a little less efficient, but it’s cheaper than monocrystalline.Thin-film solar panels are meant for small projects, like lighting your chicken coop. They aren’t meant for powering your home since they aren’t as durable and don’t produce as much power as monocrystalline or polycrystalline.Look for solar panel kits with mounting frames and solar batteries to make solar panel installation easier. (You don’t want to buy all of these separately and then wonder if they are compatible.) Btw, you’ll need a good set of solar batteries if you want to be off the grid since that’s where you’ll get power from at night or during cloudy days.Make sure your DIY solar kit comes with a solar inverter, which converts the direct current (DC) generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) for use in your home. If not, purchase one separately. Look for inverters with special features, like a solar monitoring system that tracks the energy usage of various appliances and the performance of your solar system. This allows you to monitor energy production, identify any issues and optimize your system’s efficiency. Video: Do It Yourself Solar Power? – Easy DIY Solar Panel Installation!Step 4: Finalize inspections and interconnectionContact your local utility company to schedule inspections and interconnection procedures if you’re on the power grid or in an urban area. Compliance with local regulations and utility interconnection requirements are crucial to ensure the smooth integration of your solar system with the grid.Step 5: Set up net meteringIf you’re connected to the power grid and supplementing your power with solar, you’ll want to set up a net metering contract with your electric company. What is net metering? The electric company essentially buys the extra power your solar system produces. They either pay you for the energy, or they give you a credit on your electric bill. Contact your electric company to get started.Step 6: Maintain and monitor your solar systemMost people think you just set up a solar system and don’t need to do anything after that. Not so. Solar panels must be cleaned regularly to keep them as efficient as possible. You don’t want grime blocking the sun.Clean off your solar panels every six months, or when you notice an efficiency drop. Also, be sure to clear off pollen in the spring, snow in the winter and leaves in the fall. You can clean your panels by spraying them with your water hose and wiping them with a soft cloth.FAQCan a home run solely on solar power?Yes, unless you’re entire property is covered in trees. Even if your panels get particle shade throughout the day, you can make up for the lower power output by adding more panels.Can you put solar panels in your backyard?Yes, you can. Many people mount solar panels to their roof, but you may find that your backyard gets more sun. In that case, you can use ground mounts to install your panels in your yard.Can you live off-grid with just solar panels?Yep! Off-grid just means you don’t rely on the power grid for electricity. You can use professional solar companies to get you off the grid or DIY your solar panels.How many solar panels do I need for a 2000-square-foot house?It will vary depending on your energy needs and how much sun your solar panels will get, but you can expect to purchase around 27 to 35 solar panels.Will the government pay you to get solar?Unfortunately, no, but they do offer tax credits and rebates for adding solar to your house. Check out the US Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics for more information. [...]Read more...
5 July 2024Though many homesteaders choose to DIY their solar, messing with electricity can be scary. And maybe you want to leave all of that stress to the professionals. We don’t blame you. Picking a company to entrust with your solar project can be tricky, though. After going through this process ourselves, we’ve got some advice for choosing the best solar company for your homestead.Photo by Kindel MediaJump to the Info You Need:Introduction to solar energy and solar companiesWhat is solar energy?Why choose solar energy?What are solar companies?Benefits of hiring the best solar companyFactors to consider when choosing a solar companySolar company experience and expertiseLicensing, certifications and repRange of solar products and servicesQuality of solar panels and equipmentWarranties Financing options and incentivesResearching and comparing solar companiesGather informationCheck online reviews and ratingsRequest and compare quotes to find the best solar companyEvaluate solar company websitesSeek recommendations and referralsInterview solar company representativesCompare quotes and proposalsFinalize the contractUnderstand financing and payment termsSchedule the solar installationMonitor and maintain your solar systemIntroduction to solar energy and solar companiesWe know you probably know the basics about solar, but here’s a little refresher, just in case.What is solar energy?The sun’s energy is abundant, renewable, and environmentally friendly, making it a highly sought-after alternative to traditional fossil fuels, especially for homesteaders. The term “solar energy” refers to the radiant light and heat emitted by the sun that can be harnessed and converted into usable energy.  Solar energy can be captured through solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, which convert sunlight into electricity. These panels are typically installed on rooftops or in open areas where they can receive maximum exposure to sunlight.Why choose solar energy?Choosing solar energy over staying on the power grid offers oodles of benefits. First and foremost, solar energy is a clean and sustainable source of power that reduces our reliance on fossil fuels, combatting climate change and reducing air pollution. Who doesn’t love clean air?Solar energy also provides energy independence, allowing homeowners and businesses to generate their own electricity and reduce their reliance on the grid. Finally, solar energy can result in significant long-term cost savings, since it reduces or eliminates monthly electricity bills and can even generate surplus energy that can be sold back to the grid. This is called net metering.What are solar companies?Solar companies are specialized firms that design, install and maintain solar energy systems for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. The pros, in other words. These companies have the expertise and experience to assess a property’s solar potential, recommend the most suitable solar solutions and ensure the efficient installation and operation of solar panels. Pro tip:Solar companies also assist with obtaining necessary permits and paperwork, provide financing options, and offer maintenance and repair services. They are crucial in making solar energy accessible and hassle-free for ya.Benefits of hiring the best solar companyPhoto by Kindel MediaWhen considering a solar energy system, it is essential to work with the best solar companies in the industry. We touched on some of the benefits already, but here they are rounded up for you: Expertise and experience: Top solar companies have a wealth of knowledge and experience designing and installing solar energy systems. They stay up-to-date with industry advancements and can provide tailored solutions to meet specific energy needs.Quality assurance: The best solar company prioritizes using high-quality solar panels and equipment. They ensure that the components used in the installation are durable, efficient and backed by warranties.Streamlined installation process: Hiring reputable solar companies ensures a smooth and hassle-free installation (in most cases). Their technicians are trained professionals who adhere to industry standards and best practices, ensuring your solar system is installed safely and efficiently.Access to financing options: Top solar companies often offer various financing options to make solar energy more affordable if you don’t have the funds to pay out-of-pocket. These options include solar loans, lease agreements, or power purchase agreements (PPAs), allowing customers to access solar energy with minimal upfront costs.Maintenance and support: The best solar companies provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure the optimal performance of the solar energy system. This includes regular inspections, cleaning (yes, they need to be cleaned) and any necessary repairs or replacements.Factors to consider when choosing a solar companySelecting the right solar company, of course, ensures a successful solar energy installation. Here are some factors that you should consider when choosing a solar company. Solar company experience and expertiseOne of the first factors to consider is the experience and expertise of the solar company. Look for companies that have a proven track record in the industry and a solid portfolio of successful solar installations. Experienced companies are more likely to have the necessary knowledge and skills to handle the complexities of solar energy systems and ensure a smooth installation process. Additionally, consider the expertise of the company’s staff. Look for solar companies that employ trained professionals, such as engineers, electricians, and installers, with the necessary certifications and qualifications. These experts can assess your energy needs, design an efficient solar system and address any technical challenges that may arise during the installation. And since you live on a homestead, you know there will be special challenges. For example, will this system power my chicken coop or greenhouse?How do you get the scoop on how well these solar companies do their job? Go to sites like Yelp and ConsumerAffairs to see reviews from real customers.Licensing, certifications and repNo amateurs allowed. If you wanted an amateur, you could have let your weird Uncle Jack install your solar system. When evaluating solar companies, make sure that they hold the appropriate licenses and certifications. Check if the company is licensed by the relevant regulatory bodies in your region. A valid license indicates that the company meets the necessary standards and requirements for operating as a solar energy provider.In addition to licenses, certifications from industry organizations demonstrate a company’s commitment to quality and professionalism. Look for certifications such as the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) certification, which is highly regarded in the solar industry. These certifications validate that the company’s employees have undergone rigorous training and possess the technical expertise needed for solar installations.Additionally, consider the company’s reputation within the industry. Look for awards or recognition they may have received for their work. A reputable solar company with positive customer reviews and industry recognition is more likely to provide a high level of service and customer satisfaction. If you’re looking at a local solar company, check with the Chamber of Commerce to see if they have received any complaints about the company.Photo by Gustavo FringRange of solar products and servicesFriend, you need options. Consider the range of solar products and services the company offers before signing up. A reputable solar company should provide a diverse selection of solar panels, inverters, batteries and other components from trusted manufacturers. They should also offer various system sizes and configurations to meet your very particular energy needs on the homestead.In addition to installation, many solar companies offer additional services such as energy audits, solar system monitoring and energy storage solutions. These services can enhance the overall performance and efficiency of your solar energy system. Assessing the range of products and services a company offers can help you determine if they can meet your specific requirements.Quality of solar panels and equipmentThe quality of solar panels and equipment used by a solar company is a critical factor to consider. High-quality components ensure the longevity and efficiency of your solar system. Look for companies that partner with reputable manufacturers known for producing reliable and durable solar panels. Right off the bat, the company should offer monocrystalline panels, which are the most efficient and durable.Warranties A strong warranty indicates the company’s confidence in the quality and performance of its products. Pay attention to the warranty terms and coverage, including the duration, coverage for defects and performance guarantees. Most high-quality companies warranty their systems for 20 to 25 years. Make sure to peek at the percentage of the efficiency the warranty covers. For example, a warranty may state that it guarantees 90% production for 10 years and 80% at 25 years.Financing options and incentivesSolar installations can require a significant upfront investment, so it’s important to consider the financing options and incentives solar companies provide. Look for companies that offer flexible financing options such as solar loans, lease agreements, or power purchase agreements (PPAs). These options can help make solar energy more affordable and accessible, allowing you to pay for the system over time or only pay for the energy produced.Additionally, inquire about the incentives and rebates available in your region. Many governments and utility companies offer financial incentives, tax credits or net metering programs to encourage the adoption of solar energy. A knowledgeable solar company should be able to guide you through the various incentives and help you maximize your savings.Researching and comparing solar companiesResearching and comparing different solar companies is a crucial step in finding the best fit for your solar energy needs. Here are some strategies and tools to help you gather information, evaluate options, and make an informed decision.Gather informationStart by gathering information about different solar companies operating in your area. This can be done through online research, local directories, industry associations, and recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have installed solar systems. Create a list of potential companies to evaluate further.Make sure to visit the websites of the solar companies on your list. Company websites often provide valuable information about their services, experience, certifications and customer testimonials. Take note of their service areas, as some solar companies may have geographic limitations.Check online reviews and ratingsAs we mentioned before, online reviews and ratings are a powerful tool for evaluating the reputation and customer satisfaction of solar companies. Look for reviews on trusted platforms like Google, Yelp, ConsumerAffairs or the Better Business Bureau. These platforms allow customers to share their experiences and provide insights into the quality of service offered by different solar companies.Don’t be a Negative Nancy! Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews, as they can give you a balanced perspective. Look for recurring themes in the reviews, such as professionalism, installation quality and customer support. Consider the overall rating of the company and the number of reviews to gauge their credibility.Request and compare quotes to find the best solar companyContact the solar companies on your list and request quotes for your solar energy system. Provide them with relevant information such as your location, energy consumption and any specific requirements you may have. A detailed quote should include the size of the system, equipment specifications, installation costs and any available financing options. Pro tip:Make sure to get your quotes in writing! Slick salesmen will try to get you to agree to everything over a phone call. Don’t let them!Once you receive quotes from different companies, compare them side by side. Look beyond the total cost and consider factors such as the quality of equipment, warranty coverage and included services. Evaluating these details will give you a better understanding of the value offered by each company.Evaluate solar company websitesPhoto by DIY Homesteading 101Solar company websites can provide handy-dandy insights into their expertise, offerings and customer-centric approach. When evaluating a company’s website, ponder over the following:Certifications and partnerships: Check if the company holds relevant certifications from recognized organizations such as NABCEP. Additionally, see if they have partnerships with reputable manufacturers, which indicates their commitment to using high-quality equipment.Testimonials and case studies: Read customer testimonials or case studies featured on the website. These stories can provide insights into the company’s professionalism, installation process and overall customer satisfaction. Be wary, though. They may only post the good ones.Educational resources: Consider if the company provides educational resources like blog posts, guides, or FAQs. This demonstrates their commitment to educating customers and empowering them to make informed decisions.Seek recommendations and referralsReach out to friends, family, or neighbors who have already installed solar systems and ask for their recommendations. They can provide firsthand insights into their experience with different solar companies. Inquire about the installation process, customer service and overall satisfaction with their solar energy system.Additionally, ask the solar companies you are considering for references from past customers. Contact these references to gain a deeper understanding of their experience with the company. Ask about their overall satisfaction, the installation process, and any post-installation support they received.Interview solar company representativesConsider scheduling interviews or consultations with representatives from the solar companies on your shortlist. This will allow you to ask specific questions and get a better sense of their expertise, professionalism, and customer service. Prepare a list of questions about their experience, certifications, warranties, financing options and post-installation support.During the interview, pay attention to how the representative responds to your questions and concerns. A knowledgeable and attentive representative will provide clear and thorough answers, demonstrating their commitment to customer satisfaction.Use this cheat sheet to assess a solar company’s experience, services, warranties, and overall suitability for your solar energy project.Questions to ask to find the best solar company:How long have you been in business? Inquire about the company’s experience in the solar industry. A company with a solid track record and years of experience will likely have the expertise and knowledge necessary for a successful solar installation.Are you licensed and insured? Ensure that the solar company has the licenses and insurance to operate legally. This protects you from any liability in case of accidents or damages during the installation process.What solar products and services do you offer? Ask about the range of solar products and services the company provides. This includes the types of solar panels, inverters and other components they offer, as well as any additional services such as energy audits or system monitoring.Can you provide references from past customers? Request references from previous customers who have had solar installations with the company. Contact these references to gain insights into their experience, the quality of the installation, and the overall satisfaction with the company’s services.Do you provide financing options? Inquire about the financing options available. Ask if the company offers solar loans, lease agreements or power purchase agreements (PPAs) to help make solar energy more affordable for customers.What warranties do you offer? Ask about the warranty coverage for both the equipment and the installation workmanship. Pay attention to the duration of the warranty, coverage for defects and any performance guarantees.How do you handle maintenance and repairs? Inquire about the company’s approach to maintenance and repairs. Ask if they offer ongoing maintenance services and how they handle any necessary repairs or equipment replacements.What is your customer support process? Ask about their response time, communication channels, and the availability of dedicated customer support representatives.Do you assist with permits and paperwork? Determine if the solar company assists with obtaining necessary permits and handling paperwork related to the installation process. This ensures compliance with local regulations and eases the administrative burden for you.What is your installation process? Ask about the timeline, equipment preparation, safety measures and any requirements from your end to facilitate a smooth installation.Compare quotes and proposalsReview the quotes and proposals you received from the solar companies on your shortlist. Take a close look at the details, including the system size, equipment specifications, installation costs, warranties and any financing options. Consider the overall value each company offers and how well their proposal aligns with your specific energy needs.Pro tip:Create a comparison table or spreadsheet to help you visualize and compare the key aspects of each proposal. This will make it easier to identify the differences and select the best option for your solar energy project.Finalize the contractOnce you have selected the solar company you wish to work with, it’s time to finalize the contract. Review the contract carefully, ensuring that all the agreed-upon terms, including the system size, equipment details, installation timeline and total cost, are accurately reflected. Pay attention to any cancellation policies, warranty terms and any other important clauses. Make sure to ask questions if you have any. Don’t wait until after you sign!Understand financing and payment termsPhoto by Gustavo FringIf you have opted for a financing option, carefully review the terms and conditions associated with it. Understand the payment schedule, interest rates and any additional fees or charges. Ensure that you are comfortable with the financial obligations and that they align with your budget and long-term financial goals.If you have chosen to pay upfront, clarify the payment terms and any required deposits. Understand when payments are due and ensure that they align with the project timeline.Schedule the solar installationCoordinate with the solar company to schedule the installation of your solar energy system. Work with them to determine the best date and time for the installation, considering factors such as weather conditions and your availability.Prepare your property for installation by clearing any obstructions and ensuring that the designated area for the solar panels is accessible. Follow any instructions provided by the solar company to ensure a smooth installation process. Don’t forget to pen up any wandering animals too.Monitor and maintain your solar systemOnce the installation is complete and your solar energy system is up and running, it’s important to establish a plan for monitoring and maintaining it. Regularly monitor the system’s performance using your online control panel or app. A dip in efficiency can mean that the panels need cleaning or that they are damaged.Follow the maintenance recommendations provided by the solar company, which may include periodic cleaning, inspections and maintenance checks. Stay in touch with the company for any necessary repairs or replacements, especially during the warranty period.Pro tip:Don’t attempt any quick fixes yourself without checking with the company. You may void the warranty. [...]Read more...
20 June 2024 Photo by Tara WinsteadFresh basil has a relatively short shelf life, and preserving its aromatic qualities can be challenging. That’s where drying comes in. By removing the moisture from the leaves, we can extend sweet basil’s usability and savor its flavors all year round. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a novice in the homesteading kitchen, learning how to dry sweet basil at home will enable you to add a burst of herbal goodness to your dishes, even during the colder months when fresh basil won’t be growing in your garden.Jump to the Info You Need:Preparing Sweet Basil for DryingHarvesting Sweet Basil at the Optimal TimeCleaning and Inspecting Basil Leaves for QualityDifferent Methods of Drying Sweet BasilAir Drying Sweet BasilOven Drying Sweet BasilUsing a Food Dehydrator to Dry Sweet BasilStoring and Preserving Dried Sweet BasilCreative Ways to Use Dried Sweet Basil in CookingFAQWhy are my basil leaves turning brown or black during the drying process?How do I prevent mold growth on dried basil leaves?How do I deal with humidity or moisture during drying basil?Can I dry basil in a microwave?How long does dried sweet basil last?What is the best way to grind dried sweet basil into a powder?Preparing Sweet Basil for DryingBefore we embark on the drying process, we need to prepare. This involves selecting the right basil variety, harvesting at the optimal time, and meticulously cleaning and inspecting the leaves.Harvesting Sweet Basil at the Optimal TimePhoto by Matteo BadiniThe timing of the harvest plays a crucial role in the quality of the dried sweet basil. To ensure you capture the herb’s peak flavor and aroma, it’s essential to harvest it at the optimal time.For most basil varieties, the best time to harvest is before the plant starts flowering. Flowering basil plants tend to produce leaves that are slightly bitter and have a lesser concentration of essential oils. By harvesting before flowering, you can capture the sweetest and most aromatic flavors of the basil.When harvesting sweet basil, use a pair of clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to cut the stems just above a leaf node. This method encourages the plant to branch out and continue producing fresh leaves.Cleaning and Inspecting Basil Leaves for QualityAfter harvesting sweet basil, clean the leaves thoroughly to remove any dirt, dust or insects that may be present. Rinse the leaves gently under cool running water, being careful not to bruise or damage them. Pat them dry with a clean kitchen towel or use a salad spinner to remove excess moisture.While cleaning the leaves, take the opportunity to inspect them closely. Discard any leaves that are discolored, wilted or damaged.Different Methods of Drying Sweet BasilNow that we have prepared the sweet basil leaves, it’s time to explore various methods of drying them. Each method offers its unique advantages, allowing you to choose the one that suits your resources, time availability, and desired outcome. Let’s delve into the three main methods: air-drying, oven-drying and using a food dehydrator.Air Drying Sweet BasilPhoto by KoolShootersAir drying is one of the oldest and simplest methods of drying herbs, including sweet basil. It involves hanging the basil stems upside down in a well-ventilated area to allow the natural airflow to remove moisture from the leaves gradually.To air-dry sweet basil, gather a small bunch of basil stems. Make sure the leaves are not overcrowded. Tie the stems together with string or a rubber band, leaving enough length at the end for hanging. Find a location that is cool, dry and well-ventilated, such as a pantry, kitchen or drying rack. Hang the bunch upside down from a hook or secure it with a clothespin.It’s important to choose a location away from direct sunlight, as exposure to sunlight can cause the basil leaves to lose their vibrant green color and aromatic oils. Additionally, ensure that the area is free from excessive humidity or moisture, since it can lead to mold growth.The air-drying process typically takes about one to two weeks, depending on the conditions and the thickness of the leaves. You’ll know the sweet basil is fully dried when the leaves crumble easily between your fingers. Once dried, gently remove the leaves from the stems and store them in airtight containers in a cool, dark place to maintain their flavor and freshness.Oven Drying Sweet BasilPhoto by Karolina GrabowskaIf you’re looking for a faster drying method or live in a humid climate where air-drying may not be as effective, oven-drying is a viable alternative. This method utilizes low heat to gently remove moisture from the basil leaves, resulting in a quicker drying time while still preserving their flavors and colors.To oven-dry sweet basil, preheat your oven to the lowest temperature setting, usually around 150°F (65°C). While the oven is heating, prepare the basil leaves by removing them from the stems and spreading them out in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven, leaving the oven door slightly open to allow moisture to escape. The low heat will gradually dry the basil leaves, so it’s important to monitor the process closely. Stir or flip the leaves occasionally to ensure even drying.The oven-drying process typically takes about 1 to 2 hours, depending on the thickness of the leaves and the efficiency of your oven. The basil leaves are considered fully dried when they crumble easily and are free from any moisture or pliability.Once dried, remove the leaves from the oven and let them cool completely before storing them in airtight containers.Using a Food Dehydrator to Dry Sweet BasilFor those who have a food dehydrator or prefer a more controlled drying environment, using this appliance can be an efficient and convenient method for drying sweet basil. Food dehydrators provide consistent low heat and airflow, allowing for optimal drying conditions.To use a food dehydrator, start by removing the basil leaves from the stems and arranging them in a single layer on the dehydrator trays. Make sure the leaves are not overlapping to ensure proper airflow. Set the dehydrator to a low temperature, around 95°F to 115°F (35°C to 46°C), and let it run for several hours.COLZER Food-DehydratorView on AmazonThe drying time will vary depending on the dehydrator model, the thickness of the leaves, and personal preference. It can take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours to fully dry sweet basil using a food dehydrator. It’s important to periodically check the leaves for dryness and rotate the trays if needed to ensure even drying.Once the sweet basil leaves are completely dried and brittle, remove them from the dehydrator and allow them to cool before storing them in airtight containers.Storing and Preserving Dried Sweet BasilTo preserve the flavors and qualities of your dried sweet basil, it’s essential to store it properly. Here are some tips to ensure optimal storage:Choose the right containers: Select airtight containers made of glass, ceramic or metal to store your dried sweet basil. Avoid using plastic containers as they are porous and may soak in the smell of the basil.Keep it cool and dark: Store your dried sweet basil in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to light can cause the herb to lose its vibrant color and flavor.Label and date: To keep track of the freshness of your dried sweet basil, label the containers with the drying date. This will help you know when it’s time to refresh your supply.By following these storage guidelines, your dried sweet basil can maintain its flavor and aroma for up to a year. However, for the best taste experience, it’s recommended to use it within six months.Creative Ways to Use Dried Sweet Basil in CookingNow that you have a stash of dried sweet basil, let’s explore some creative ways to incorporate it into your culinary creations. Here are a few ideas to get you started:Add dried basil to soups, stews, and sauces: Sprinkle a pinch or two of dried sweet basil into your favorite soups, stews and sauces to infuse them with a rich and herbaceous flavor. It works particularly well in tomato-based dishes, lending a delightful sweetness and earthiness.Incorporate dried basil into marinades and rubs: Create flavorful marinades by combining dried sweet basil with other herbs, spices and liquids such as olive oil, lemon juice or vinegar. You can also make dry rubs by combining dried basil with other spices like garlic powder, paprika and black pepper for a flavorful coating.Infuse oils and vinegar with dried sweet basil: For a burst of basil flavor in your dressings, marinades or dipping oils, infuse them with dried sweet basil. Simply add a few tablespoons of dried basil to a bottle of olive oil or vinegar and let it steep for a week or two. Strain out the basil before using.FAQWhy are my basil leaves turning brown or black during the drying process?It could be due to excessive heat, exposure to direct sunlight or prolonged drying time. To prevent this, ensure that you are using the appropriate drying method and maintaining the recommended temperature and drying duration.How do I prevent mold growth on dried basil leaves?How do I deal with humidity or moisture during drying basil?Mold growth can occur if the basil leaves are not fully dried or if they come into contact with moisture during storage. To prevent mold, ensure that the basil leaves are completely dry before storing them. Additionally, store them in airtight containers in a cool, dark place to minimize moisture exposure.If you live in a humid climate, drying sweet basil can be challenging. To combat high humidity, consider using a dehumidifier in the drying area or increase air circulation with fans. You can also try using a food dehydrator or oven-drying, as these methods provide more controlled environments.Can I dry basil in a microwave?Yes, you can absolutely dry basil in a microwave, and it’s pretty simple too. Here’s how you can do it:Preparation: First, wash the basil leaves and remove them from the stems. Make sure to pat them dry with a towel to remove excess moisture.Layering: Place a towel on a microwave-safe plate, then arrange the basil leaves in a single layer on the towel. Cover them with another towel.Microwave: Use short, quick bursts to dry the basil. Start with 3 cycles of 30 seconds each.Check: After each 30-second burst, check the leaves. If they’re not fully dry, you can continue with additional 10-second bursts until they are.Cool Down: Once the leaves are dry, let them cool down to room temperature.Storage: Store the dried basil in an airtight container.Note: This method is quick but may result in slightly less flavor compared to drying basil in an oven or air-drying it.How long does dried sweet basil last?When stored properly in airtight containers in a cool, dark place, dried sweet basil can maintain its quality for up to a year. However, for the best flavor experience, it is recommended to use it within six months.What is the best way to grind dried sweet basil into a powder?To grind dried sweet basil into a powder, use a spice grinder or a mortar and pestle. Place the dried leaves in the grinder or mortar and pestle and crush them until you achieve a fine powder consistency. Store the powdered basil in an airtight container for future use.Want to know how basil can keep pests out of your garden? Check out our guide to organic gardening. [...]Read more...
14 June 2024Installing solar panels on your roof requires careful planning and execution to ensure a safe and efficient system. No surprise there, right? We’ll guide you through how to install solar panels on your roof, including obtaining permits, mounting panels on the roof, wiring and inverter installation and testing and maintaining your panels.Photo by Raze SolarJump to the Info You Need:Is your roof ready for solar?Roof orientation and tiltRoof conditionShade AnalysisRoof weight capacityObtaining permits and approval to install solar panelsMounting solar panelsWiring and inverter installationTesting Solar PanelsSolar panel maintenance Troubleshooting common solar system issuesHow to monitor solar energy productionLong-term maintenance tipsIs your roof ready for solar?Before installing solar panels on your roof, it is crucial to determine if your roof is the right spot for your solar panels. Factors such as roof orientation, tilt, condition, shading analysis and weight capacity play a significant role in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of your solar panel system. You may have already done this when planning your DIY solar project, but here are some tips if you didn’t.Roof orientation and tiltThe orientation and tilt of your roof have a direct impact on the solar panel system’s performance. Ideally, a south-facing roof with a tilt angle equal to your location’s latitude is considered optimal for solar energy generation. However, east and west-facing roofs can also be suitable, although they may produce slightly less energy.To determine the orientation and tilt of your roof, you can use online roof tilt tools or consult with a solar panel installer. They can analyze the angle of your roof and provide recommendations for the best positioning of the solar panels.What Really is a Solar Panel’s Tilt & Azimuth Angle? | Online Solar Training CoursesRoof conditionSolar panels have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years or more, so you want your roof to last along with them. If your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, it may be more cost-effective to replace it before installing solar panels.Inspect your roof for any signs of damage, such as leaks, cracks or weak spots. If you find any issues. A professional roofing inspection can help identify any potential problems and ensure the structural integrity of your roof.Shade Analysis“Shading” can significantly impact the efficiency of your solar panel system. Even a small amount of shade on a solar panel can reduce its performance. Look for nearby trees, buildings or chimneys that may get in the way of the sun’s full potential. If significant shading is present, adjustments may be needed, such as trimming trees or repositioning panels to minimize the shading effects.Roof weight capacitySolar panels are not lightweight. It’s important to consider the weight of the solar panels, mounting equipment, and potential snow load if you live in an area with heavy snowfall. Factors such as the roof’s structural design, material and condition contribute to its weight-bearing capacity.  An engineer or a qualified solar installer can assess your roof’s weight capacity and determine if any reinforcements are necessary.Obtaining permits and approval to install solar panelsIf you’re out in the country, chances are you won’t need to worry about permits and approvals, but urban homesteads will need to obtain the necessary permits and approvals from local authorities. The specific requirements may vary depending on your location, so it’s important to research and comply with local regulations. Here are some common permits and approvals you may need:Building permit: This is a general requirement for any home improvement project, including solar panel installation. It ensures that the installation complies with the local building codes and safety standards.Electrical permit: Since solar panels involve electrical connections, you may need an electrical permit to ensure the system’s safety and compliance with electrical codes.Utility approval: In some cases, you may need approval from your utility company to connect your solar panel system to the grid. This process ensures that the system meets the utility’s requirements for safety and grid compatibility.A call to your local courthouse should get you the answers you need. Professional solar companies can handle this for you, if you decide to opt out of DIY.Mounting solar panelsPhoto by Kindel MediaProper mounting ensures the panels are securely positioned and optimally oriented for maximum sunlight exposure. While you should follow the directions that come with mounting units, here are the basics of mounting solar panels to your roof:Roof preparation: Clean the roof surface and remove any debris or obstructions. Ensure the roof is in good condition and repair any damaged areas.Layout and positioning: Determine the optimal layout and positioning of the solar panels based on your roof’s orientation, tilt and shading analysis. This will maximize the energy production of your system.Mounting structure installation: Install the mounting structures, such as rails or racks, on the roof. Ensure they are securely attached to the roof rafters or trusses, following the manufacturer’s instructions.Panel attachment: Attach the solar panels to the mounting structures using clamps or brackets. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper panel alignment and spacing.Wiring management: Carefully route and manage the wiring from the panels to the inverter and other electrical components. Use conduit or cable management systems to protect the wires and maintain a neat appearance.Sealing and waterproofing: Apply appropriate sealants or flashing around the mounting structures and panel attachments to ensure a watertight seal. This prevents any potential roof leaks.Grounding: Properly ground the solar panel system to ensure safety and compliance with electrical codes. Consult with a licensed electrician or follow the manufacturer’s instructions for grounding requirements.How To Install Roof Top Solar – DIY Tips From A Solar InstallerPro tip:Avoid boo-boos. Ensure you follow all safety precautions, such as using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and working with a partner or team when handling heavy solar panels and equipment. If you are unsure about any aspect of the installation, it’s best to consult with a professional.Wiring and inverter installationThe wiring and inverter installation are essential components of your solar panel system. The wiring connects the panels to the inverter, which converts the DC electricity produced by the panels into usable AC electricity for your home. Here’s an overview of the wiring and inverter installation process:DC wiring: Connect the solar panels in series or parallel configurations to achieve the desired voltage and current levels.Inverter installation: Mount the inverter in a suitable location, preferably near the main electrical panel. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation and electrical connections.AC wiring: Connect the inverter to your home’s electrical system, typically through a dedicated circuit breaker. This allows the solar-generated electricity to be used in your home and exported to the grid (if you’re net metering).Monitoring and metering: Install monitoring equipment and meters to measure the energy production and consumption of your solar panel system. This provides valuable data for tracking performance and optimizing energy usage.Warning!It is crucial to work with a licensed electrician or follow local electrical codes and regulations when handling electrical connections. Improper wiring or installation can pose safety hazards and lead to system malfunctions.DIY Solar Setup: Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions to Install Solar PanelsTesting Solar PanelsOnce the installation is complete, it’s important to test the solar panel system to ensure it’s functioning. Here are some key steps in the testing and commissioning process:System testing: Verify that all electrical connections are secure and properly insulated. Test the DC and AC voltages at various points in the system to ensure they meet the required specifications.Inverter configuration: Configure the inverter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This includes inputting system parameters, setting up monitoring options and connecting to a monitoring platform if available.Performance verification: Monitor the system’s performance over a period of time to ensure it is generating the expected amount of electricity. Compare the actual energy production to your energy needs and identify any discrepancies.System documentation: File away all your system documentation, including permits, warranties and installation details. This will be valuable for future reference, maintenance and potential warranty claims after you install solar panels.How To Test Your Solar Panel – Quick And EasySolar panel maintenance The job isn’t done after you install solar panels. Regular cleaning and inspection of your solar panels are important to ensure optimal performance. Over time, dirt, dust, leaves, bird droppings and other debris can accumulate on the panels, reducing their efficiency. Here are some guidelines for cleaning and inspecting your solar panels:Clean frequency: In most cases, solar panels can be cleaned once or twice a year. However, if you live in a dusty area or experience heavy rainfall infrequently, consider more frequent cleaning.Safety first: Before cleaning your solar panels, turn off the system and wear appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and non-slip footwear.Cleaning methods: Use a soft brush or sponge, a mild detergent and water to clean the surface of the panels gently. Avoid abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that can damage the panels.Avoid high temperatures: It’s best to clean the panels during the cooler parts of the day to prevent the cleaning solution from evaporating too quickly. Avoid cleaning when the panels are hot, as this can lead to thermal stress.Inspection: While cleaning, inspect the panels for any signs of damage, such as cracks, hotspots or loose connections. Pro tip:Remember to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific cleaning instructions and any warranty requirements. Additionally, if your panels are installed at a steep angle or in a hard-to-reach location, it may be safer to hire a professional for cleaning and inspection.Troubleshooting common solar system issuesOccasionally, you may encounter issues with your solar panel system that require troubleshooting. Here are some common problems you may face and possible solutions:Low energy production: If your solar panel system is not generating the expected amount of electricity, it could be due to shade, dirt or system malfunctions. Check for shading sources, clean the panels and monitor the system’s performance. Inverter errors: Inverter errors can indicate issues with the electrical connections or the inverter itself. Check for loose connections, reset the inverter if necessary, and refer to the manufacturer’s manual for specific error codes and troubleshooting steps.Faulty monitoring: If your monitoring system is not displaying accurate data or is not functioning properly, check the connections and ensure that the monitoring platform is configured correctly. If the issue persists, contact the manufacturer.Physical damage: Incidents such as severe weather, fallen branches, or accidents can cause physical damage to your solar panels. If you notice any cracks, broken glass or other visible damage, it is important to address it promptly. It’s important to note that if you are not familiar with electrical systems or are unable to identify and resolve the issue, it is best to seek professional help. A qualified solar technician can diagnose and rectify complex problems and ensure the system’s safety.How To Troubleshoot Solar Panel Systems – Top 5 Tips For Beginners And Non-TechiesHow to monitor solar energy productionEmporia Smart Home Energy MonitorView on AmazonMonitoring your solar panel system’s energy production allows you to track its performance, identify any issues and optimize energy usage. There are several ways to monitor your system:Inverter display: Many inverters have built-in displays that provide real-time information on energy production, voltage and other performance metrics. Consult the inverter manual to understand how to access and interpret this data.Online monitoring platforms: Some solar panel systems have online monitoring platforms that allow you to view real-time and historical data on energy production, consumption and system performance. These platforms often provide insights and analytics to help you understand your energy usage patterns.Third-party monitoring devices: You can also install third-party monitoring devices that connect to your solar panel system and provide detailed energy data. These devices may offer additional features like smartphone apps, alerts and customized reports.Long-term maintenance tipsTo ensure the long-term performance and durability of your solar panel system, consider the following maintenance tips:Regular inspections: Conduct regular visual inspections of your solar panels to check for any signs of damage, loose connections or other issues. Address any problems promptly to prevent further damage.Trim trees and vegetation: Keep trees and vegetation near your solar panels trimmed to minimize shading and reduce the risk of falling branches or debris.Snow and debris removal: If you live in an area with heavy snowfall or frequent dust storms, remove accumulated snow, leaves or other debris from the panels to maintain their efficiency.Check mounting hardware: Periodically inspect the mounting hardware to ensure it remains secure and tight. Loose or damaged hardware can compromise the stability of your solar panels.System upgrades: Stay updated with the latest advancements in solar panel technology and consider system upgrades if they offer significant performance improvements or cost savings.Professional maintenance: Consider scheduling periodic maintenance visits from a professional solar technician. They can perform in-depth inspections, cleanings, and system optimizations to ensure optimal performance.By following these maintenance tips and regularly monitoring your solar panel system, you can maximize its energy production, detect and address issues promptly, and extend its lifespan. [...]Read more...
12 June 2024Out of all the homesteading animals you can choose, goats are one of the easiest to care for, in my opinion, especially if you make sure to bond with your herd. This guide will take you through how to take care of goats to keep them healthy and well-behaved.Photo by DIY Homesteading 101, Alina BradfordJump to the Info You Need:Setting up a place for your goats to liveFencingPasture and grazing areasWater sources for goatsShelterWhat to do with the poo?How to feed goatsHow much feed does a goat need?Health and Veterinary Care for GoatsCommon goat diseases and their symptomsVaccinations for goatsParasite control and deworming goatsHow to find a reliable veterinarian for your goatsBreeding and kid careGoat reproduction cyclesGoat pregnancy care and preparing for birthHandling goatsHow to milk goatsWhat are the benefits of raising goats?What are some different goat breeds?Is it legal to own a goat in town?Setting up a place for your goats to liveCreating a suitable environment for your goats helps keep them safe, healthy and happy.FencingGoats are notorious escape artists, so having secure fencing is essential to keep them safe and prevent them from wandering into unwanted areas. So your first consideration is fencing. Barbed wire is often used on goat pastures, but smaller goat breeds can often slip through. Hog panels that are 4 feet high are your best option.Pasture and grazing areasGoats are natural foragers and thrive on grazing. The best area on your property is where your goats can browse on a variety of vegetation. They like grasses, but brambles also keep them healthy.Water sources for goatsAccess to clean and fresh water is crucial for goats’ overall health and well-being. If you don’t have a pond, troughs and automatic waterers are good choices. If you just have a couple of goats, you don’t need anything fancy. Start with a 5-gallon bucket. As your herd grows, you can upgrade their watering system.Regularly check and clean the water containers to prevent the growth of algae or the buildup of contaminants. Also, add 1/4 of a cup of apple cider vinegar to a 5-gallon bucket of water or 1 to 2 cups per 20 gallons to help prevent UTIs and diseases in goats and to help with indigestion.ShelterOf course your goats will need protection from extreme weather conditions, such as excessive heat, bitter cold, wind and rain. The shelter should be spacious enough to accommodate all your goats comfortably and allow for proper ventilation. Bedding material, such as straw or wood shavings, should be provided to keep the goats cozy and prevent health issues caused by damp or dirty conditions.What to do with the poo?Proper waste management not only prevents stinky odors but also minimizes the risk of disease transmission and parasite infestations.To clean out the floor of a pen or shelter, scoop out wet bedding and hay and poo with a large scoop shovel. Some people use a garden fork, but the tiny goat pellets can fall through the tines, so you’ll have better luck with a scoop shovel.Don’t waste the manure and soiled hay and bedding! Start a composting system for goat manure, which can later be used as a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your garden or crops.Scoop ShovelView on AmazonHow to feed goatsPhoto by DIY Homesteading 101, Alina BradfordGoats are ruminants, meaning they have a four-compartment stomach that allows them to digest plant material efficiently. Their digestive process involves regurgitation and rechewing of partially digested food, a process known as rumination. Like other farm animals, goats need a particular diet that fits their digestive system to keep them healthy.Foraging is the foundation of a goat’s diet. Providing high-quality forage ensures that goats receive the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals for optimal health. Different forage options, such as grasses and brambles, keep your goat healthy.While forage forms the bulk of a goat’s diet, you’ll need to supplement their intake with a balanced diet. This includes providing goat feed, which you can buy at any farm and ranch store or feed store.Also, goats need mineral supplements since they may not get everything they need from feed and foraging. Deficiencies can lead to various health issues. Goats have unique mineral requirements, including calcium, phosphorus, copper, selenium and others.Providing a balanced mineral supplement helps prevent deficiencies or imbalances that can lead to health problems such as weak bones, poor reproductive performance or compromised immune function. Keep loose goat minerals around for your goat to eat as they need. Your vet or county extension office will be able to steer you toward the best mineral supplement for your goats.You’ll typically need to offer your goats hay in the winter if you live in cooler climates. Alfalfa hay is usually the best choice.Manna Pro Goat MineralsView on AmazonHow much feed does a goat need?Generally, adult goats need around a cup of feed per feeding, and kids should get half a cup, but make sure to consider your goat’s needs before deciding on how much to offer.If you ask your goat, it would probably say you should feed them all the time, all day, every day. In reality, if your goat has plenty of grass and brambles to munch on, they don’t need that much feed or hay, if any at all.Concentrated feed is mostly for goats that stay in pens and can’t forage or as a supplement for goats that need extra nutrition like growing kids, rutting bucks and pregnant and nursing does. If your goats are rutting bucks and pregnant and nursing does, they need more feed than other adult goats because they are burning more calories. Rutting bucks may need triple the regular amount, for example.Health and Veterinary Care for GoatsProbably not surprisingly, daily health checks help with the early detection of any potential health issues in your goats. During your daily health checks, you should check for signs of parasites, monitor weight, inspect hooves and observe overall behavior to look for anything strange.Common goat diseases and their symptomsGoats can be susceptible to various diseases and illnesses. Familiarizing yourself with common goat diseases and their symptoms is essential for early recognition and appropriate treatment. Some common diseases include respiratory infections, internal and external parasites, mastitis, enterotoxemia (overeating disease), bloat and foot rot. Knowing the signs and symptoms allows you to take prompt action, consult a veterinarian, and implement the necessary treatment protocols to ensure the well-being of your goats.The Alabama Cooperative Extension System has a good guide on common goat diseases that you should bookmark.Vaccinations for goatsVaccinations play a critical role in preventing and controlling infectious diseases in goats. Consult with a veterinarian to establish a vaccination program for your herd based on local diseases and risk factors. Common vaccines for goats include those for diseases such as Clostridium perfringens type C and D, tetanus and rabies. By following a vaccination protocol, you can protect your goats from potentially life-threatening diseases and promote their long-term health.Parasite control and deworming goatsGoats are highly susceptible to internal and external parasites, which can cause significant health issues if left unmanaged. You should only deworm your goats when they need it. Symptoms of worms in goats include:Weight lossDiarrheaPale mucous membranes around the eyes (light pink or white) and mouth“Bottle jaw” (swelling under the jaw)WeaknessYou should also consider ways to prevent worms, such as rotational grazing and keeping feed off the ground.How to find a reliable veterinarian for your goatsA veterinarian can provide guidance on preventive care, diagnose and treat illnesses and offer valuable advice specific to your herd’s needs. Research local veterinarians who specialize in farm animals and check that they have experience with the specific breed of goats you own. See if they have emergency care options, too, such as after-hours veterinary services or emergency clinics.Breeding and kid careIf you decide to breed your goats, goat care gets a little more complicated. Here’s what to expect.Goat reproduction cyclesGoats are able to reproduce at five to eight months old. Female goats, known as does, go through estrous cycles, also referred to as heat cycles. During that time they can mate. The length of these cycles varies among goat breeds but typically lasts around 12 to 36 hours and happens around every 21 days. Signs that your goat is ready for mating may include increased vocalization, tail wagging, restlessness, and swelling of the vulva and discharge. Once she’s pregnant, it will be 150 days (5 months) on average until the kid is born.Goat pregnancy care and preparing for birthOnce a doe is successfully bred, proper care during pregnancy is needed for the health of both the doe and the developing kids. As mentioned earlier, your doe will need extra food since she’s eating for two (or three). As the due date approaches, give her a clean and comfortable kidding area, known as a kidding pen, where she can safely give birth. Once that’s done, most does can give birth on their own. One day you may wake up and there’s a new baby goat.Ensure that the kidding pen is warm, dry and free from drafts to prevent hypothermia. Your mamma goat will be able to take care of nutrition, but be sure to monitor the kids to make sure they are healthy. Look for a strong suckling reflex, steady weight gain and activeness.Here are some ideas for naming your goats.Handling goatsIf you raise your goats from babies, they typically will see you as The Giver of Food and will follow you around and allow you to pet them. If you didn’t raise them, or you bought them as older kids, you’ll need to train your new goat to like you. There’s no better way than offering them treats, like sweet feed, to get in their good graces. You can hold their feed bucket while they eat so they associate food with you. Petting them often will also make them love you.How to milk goatsI’m not a pro at goat milking, so take a look at this video from someone who is:Video: How to Milk a GoatFAQWhat are the benefits of raising goats?Raising goats offers a multitude of benefits, making it an appealing venture for both hobbyists and commercial farmers. One of the primary advantages is the provision of fresh, nutritious milk. Goat milk is prized for its high nutritional value, digestibility, and unique flavor. Additionally, goats can be raised for meat, offering a lean and flavorful alternative to traditional meat sources. Furthermore, goats produce fine fibers such as mohair and cashmere, which can be used for crafting luxurious textiles. Beyond their practical uses, goats are intelligent, curious, and sociable animals that can bring joy and companionship to their owners.What are some different goat breeds?Before starting your goat-keeping journey, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the various goat breeds available. Each breed possesses specific traits, temperaments, and suitability for different purposes. For instance, the Nubian breed is renowned for its high milk production, while Boer and Kiko goats are prized for their meat production. Additionally, certain breeds are better adapted to specific climates or terrain. By understanding the characteristics of different goat breeds, you can make an informed decision when selecting the right breed that aligns with your goals and environment.Is it legal to own a goat in town?Maybe. There may be rules on zoning restrictions, the number of goats allowed per acre, or the need for specific licenses. By familiarizing yourself with the legal requirements, you can ensure you’re legal while avoiding potential conflicts with neighbors or authorities.Resources and References:– American Goat Society– National Pygmy Goat Association– American Dairy Goat Association– USDA: Goat From Farm to TableDisclaimer: This guide is intended for informational purposes only and should not replace professional veterinary advice. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian for specific guidance tailored to your goats’ individual needs. [...]Read more...

Start Your Journey towards a Sustainable Homesteading Lifestyle

Homesteading: Embracing Self-Sufficiency and Sustainable Living In a fast-paced world dominated by technology and consumerism, the desire for a simpler and more sustainable lifestyle has gained momentum. Homesteading, once associated with historical land grants, has evolved into a modern movement focused on self-sufficiency and sustainable living. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the principles, practices, and benefits of homesteading, empowering individuals to embrace this rewarding way of life. 1. Understanding Homesteading: Roots and Revival The Historical Roots of Homesteading: Homesteading traces its origins to the Homestead Act of 1862 in the United States, which granted land to individuals willing to cultivate and improve it. Settlers, often pioneers, turned raw land into productive farms, marking the beginning of the homesteading tradition. The Revival of Homesteading Today: In contemporary times, homesteading has experienced a renaissance as people seek alternatives to modern urban living. The movement promotes self-reliance, sustainable agriculture, and reducing dependency on commercial systems. 2. Essential Principles of Homesteading Self-Sufficiency and Independence: At the heart of homesteading is the pursuit of self-sufficiency. Homesteaders aim to produce as much of their food, energy, and resources as possible, reducing reliance on external sources. Sustainable Agriculture and Permaculture: Homesteaders prioritize sustainable agriculture, employing permaculture principles to create ecosystems that mimic nature's patterns and cycles. This approach promotes soil health, biodiversity, and efficient water use. Frugality and Minimalism: A key aspect of homesteading involves mindful consumption and minimalism. Homesteaders aim to live more simply, avoiding excessive material possessions and waste. Respect for Nature and Animal Welfare: Homesteaders prioritize ethical treatment of animals and emphasize the symbiotic relationship between humans and the natural world. Community and Collaboration: Homesteading is not about isolation; it embraces a sense of community and collaboration. Homesteaders often share knowledge, resources, and experiences with like-minded individuals. 3. Homesteading Skills and Practices Organic Gardening and Food Preservation: Growing organic vegetables and fruits is a cornerstone of homesteading. Food preservation techniques like canning, fermenting, and dehydrating ensure a year-round supply of homegrown produce. Raising Livestock and Poultry: Homesteaders often keep chickens, goats, rabbits, and other livestock for eggs, milk, meat, and fiber. They prioritize ethical and sustainable practices in animal husbandry. Beekeeping and Pollinator Support: Many homesteaders keep beehives to promote pollination and support honey production while safeguarding bee populations. Off-Grid Living and Renewable Energy: Embracing renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines, homesteaders strive to live off-grid or reduce their reliance on conventional power systems. Wild Foraging and Hunting: Homesteaders utilize wild foraging and ethical hunting to supplement their diet with natural and locally-sourced foods. Homemade Products and Crafts: From homemade soaps and candles to woodworking and crafts, homesteaders take pride in creating practical and decorative items. 4. Challenges and Rewards of Homesteading Challenges of Homesteading: Homesteading comes with its fair share of challenges, including unpredictable weather, crop failures, and learning new skills. Adaptability and perseverance are key to overcoming these hurdles. Rewards of Homesteading: Despite the challenges, the rewards of homesteading are profound. From the satisfaction of growing your own food to the sense of harmony with nature, homesteading offers a fulfilling and meaningful lifestyle. 5. Homesteading and Modern Technology Balancing Tradition and Innovation: While homesteading celebrates traditional practices, modern technology can enhance efficiency and productivity. Homesteaders often employ solar-powered tools, rainwater harvesting systems, and sustainable irrigation methods. Digital Homesteading Communities: The internet has facilitated the formation of online homesteading communities, where individuals share knowledge, resources, and support. 6. Homesteading in Different Environments Urban Homesteading: Urban homesteading adapts the principles of self-sufficiency to city living, utilizing small spaces for gardening, rooftop beehives, and balcony farming. Suburban Homesteading: Suburban homesteaders strike a balance between urban and rural practices, often raising small livestock and preserving food. Rural Homesteading: Rural homesteaders have more land and resources, allowing for larger-scale farming, livestock raising, and resource independence. 7. Getting Started with Homesteading Define Your Goals and Priorities: Reflect on your homesteading vision and identify the aspects that resonate with your values and lifestyle. Start Small and Learn as You Go: Begin with a few manageable projects and gradually expand your skills and homesteading activities. Educate Yourself: Embrace a lifelong learning mindset by attending workshops, reading books, and joining local homesteading groups. Utilize Resources: Take advantage of free online tutorials, agricultural extension offices, and cooperative extension programs. 8. Conclusion: Embrace the Homesteading Lifestyle Homesteading is not merely a trend but a transformative lifestyle choice that fosters self-sufficiency, sustainability, and a deep connection to the natural world. By cultivating our own food, raising animals ethically, and using renewable resources, we can create a more resilient and harmonious existence. Homesteading encourages us to slow down, appreciate nature's abundance, and celebrate the simple joys of self-reliance. Whether you're dreaming of a small urban garden or envisioning a vast rural homestead, the journey of homesteading is a rewarding path towards a more intentional and sustainable life. Embrace the art of homesteading, and let the seeds of self-sufficiency flourish, for the benefit of both yourself and the planet. Happy homesteading!
Photo by DIY Homesteading 101, Alina Bradford

Transitioning to homesteading may seem overwhelming at first, but with a positive mindset and the right tools, you’ll soon be reaping the rewards of your hard work and dedication. Here’s what to expect from DIY Homesteading 101:

The Power of Renewables: Harnessing the Sun’s Energy

One of the first steps towards a self-sustaining lifestyle is embracing solar power. By harnessing the sun’s energy, you can reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your utility bills. Our guides will walk you through the process of installing solar panels, choosing the right equipment, and maximizing your solar energy production. We even have a DIY on making your own solar light for under $10.

Imagine waking up to a warm cup of coffee brewed with solar energy, knowing that you’re not only saving money but also reducing your carbon footprint. With our expert tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a solar-powered homesteader.

Blooming Gardens: From Seed to Harvest

Nothing beats the satisfaction of growing your own food. Whether you have acres of land or just a small backyard, our gardening resources will help you cultivate a bountiful harvest. From selecting the right seeds to building raised beds and implementing organic pest control, we have you covered.

Imagine the taste of freshly picked tomatoes, the aroma of herbs grown right outside your kitchen window. With our step-by-step guides and insightful tips, you’ll be able to transform your space into a thriving garden oasis.

Creative Crafts: Turning Trash into Treasure

Homesteading is not just about self-sufficiency; it’s also about creativity and resourcefulness. Our craft tutorials will show you how to repurpose everyday items into beautiful and functional pieces. From upcycling old mason jars to transforming pallets into raised gardens, the possibilities are endless.

Imagine the satisfaction of creating something unique with your own hands, while also reducing waste and saving money. With our detailed instructions and inspiration, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.