For many homesteaders, their chickens are their prized pets. But what to name all of them? Here are 100+ funny names for chickens to get you started. Feel free to have fun with these names and give your chickens a chuckle-worthy identity!
Don’t forget to check out our list of 100+ Funny Names for Goats, Funny Names for Ducks and Funny Names for Cows, too!
50 Funny Names for Chickens

- Cluck Norris
- Feather Locklear
- Chick Jagger
- Eggbert Einstein
- Colonel Clucks
- Amelia Egghart
- Chickadee Doodle
- Hennifer Aniston
- Sir Peckington
- Eggatha Christie
- Chicklet Litt
- Nugget McFluffy
- Yolk Hogan
- Feathery Potter
- McFeatherface
- Eggzilla
- Henny Pennywise
- Coop DeVille
- Feather Fawcett
- Flapjack Sparrow
- Cluckingham Palace
- Eggcellent Smith
- Feathers McGraw
- Beyonc-lay
- Egg Benedict
- Feather Lockhart
- Cluck Kent
- Eggo Waffles
- Chick Picasso
- Peckachu
- Sir Cluckles-a-lot
- Eggnoggin
- Feathery Mercury
- Hen Solo
- Eggward Scissorhands
- Chicklet Chewbacca
- Eggstravaganza
- Cluckie Chan
- Featherina Ballerina
- Chicken Little
- Eggward Cullen
- Colonel Sanders Jr.
- Quack Sparrow
- Eggwin Schrödinger
- Lady Cluckington
- Roostopher Columbus
- Eggnormous
- Chickpea
- Fluffington von Peckington
- Yolko Ono
50 More Funny Names for Chickens
- Eggwardo DiCaprio
- Clucktilda Swinton
- Featherton Heston
- Chickira Knightley
- Pecky Blinders
- Eggatha Hatchison
- Cluckington the Great
- Feather Locklear
- Eggberta Frank
- Chickory Lane
- Eggonaut Neilstrong
- McNugget Einstein
- Coopie Goldberg
- Feather Gaga
- Nugget de Vinci
- Pecky Stardust
- Eggelbert Humperdinck
- Cluckington Crunch
- Fluffernutter
- Yolko Baggins
- Eggatha Trunchcoop
- Chicklet Monroe
- Colonel KFC (Kooky Feathered Chicken)
- Sir Featherwinkle
- Yolkswagon Beetle
- Henny the Pooh
- Cluckopher Walken
- Quackintosh
- Eggnoggin Foghorn
- Featherina Fey
- Nugget Downey Jr.
- Chickalicious
- Egginald VelJohnson
- Cluckalot Holmes
- Chicklet Timberlake
- Coopie Brown
- Roostamante Picasso
- Eggson Welles
- Featherina Aguilera
- Peckelangelo
- Eggo the Terrible
- Chicknor Rasputin
- Yolkohama
- Eggscapade
- Hen Solo Jr.
- Cluckalicious Einstein
- Featherina Jolie
- Nugget Tyson
- Beakfast at Tiffany’s
- Egglevira
These names should keep your chicken coop full of laughter and personality!