How to Upcycle a Tee: Web Style

For my birthday one year, me and my husband went to a video game midnight release party for the Xbox One. I got a t-shirt as a door prize and guess what? The date, my birthday, was printed on the arm. I decided to make something special out of this tee. It’s an easy craft to upcycle a tee. Here’s how I did it.

How to upcycle a t-shirt: Web style

  1. Fold the t-shirt into thirds. Then, cut 1/2 inch slits along the folds.
Cutting folded shirt
Photo by DIY Homesteading 101

2. Unfold the shirt. Here’s what it looked like after I unfolded the shirt:

A closeup of webbing
how to cut a t
Photo by DIY Homesteading 101

3. Stretch the shirt to make the edges of the slits curl.

Hand stretching the shirt
Photo by DIY Homesteading 101

4. Fold the sleeves and cut them, too.

Closeup of sleeves
Photo by DIY Homesteading 101

I think it turned out pretty good! I wore it to a classic car show soon after I made it. To keep things cool in the summer heat, I wore a tank top underneath, but it also looks cute over a plain long-sleeved tee in colder weather. This is a good trick to use if you have a tee that is too small because the webbing makes it a little bigger.

webbed tee shirt on woman
Photo by DIY Homesteading 101

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